Via interactive learning approaches, participants will learn:
l What coaching is, as a newly emerged discipline, and how it helps in business setting. 作为一个新兴行业和技术,教练是什么,它是如何在组织环境中发挥作用的;
l The benefits for managers to take the Manager Coach role, from both personal and organizational perspectives. 从个人和组织两个角度来看,管理者扮演教练式管理角色的益处有哪些;
l How to think and behave as Manager Coach to increase influencing power. 作为教练式管理者如何思考和行事,这样的思考和行事是如何协助管理者提升影响力的;
l How to implement coaching in daily job as appropriate. 如何在日常工作中恰当地运用教练理念和技巧。
Setting the Scene破冰
l Ice Breaking 破冰
What is What 什么是什么
l What coaching is 教练是什么
l Coaching in business context 企业情境下的教练
l What coaching is not 教练不是什么
l Various “hats” of manager – manager, consultant, coach, trainer, mentor 管理者的不同“帽子”– 经理,顾问,教练, 导师, 培训师
l When to wear a coach hat 什么时候带教练的帽子
Why Manager as Coach 为什么成为教练式管理者
l Why coaching culture / Coaching for what 为什么建立教练文化 / 为何而做教练
l Coaching as a management style 教练成为管理风格和方法之一
l Manager as a critical component of people management community 管理者成为人才管理共同体的重要组成部分
l Coaching whom 教练谁
l Coaching what 教练什么
Thinking Like a Coach- Mindset Shift 像教练一样思考 – 教练信念
l Coaching fundamental beliefs 教练的基本信念
l Coaching confidence 教练信心
Acting Like a Coach - Basic Coaching Skills 像教练一样行事 - 基本教练技巧
l 7 essential coaching qualities - building trust, be selfless, be curious, judgment free, acknowledgement, self management and development, integrity 7个核心教练特质 – 建立信任,无私,好奇,不妄加评判,认可和鼓励,自我管理和发展,诚信
l 6 basic coaching skills - speaking like a coach, listening like a coach, questioning like a coach, setting goals, creating actions, reframing perspective 6个基本教练技巧 – 像教练一样说话,像教练一样聆听,像教练一样提问,设定目标,促进行动,重塑观点
Useful Coaching Model有用的教练模式
l GROW model GROW模型
Coaching in Action实践中的教练
l Coaching for relationship 改进人际关系的教练对话
l Coaching for development促进员工发展的教练对话
l Coaching for performance 提高员工绩效的教练对话
l Coaching for engagement 提高员工敬业度的教练对话